2003-10-28 :: 10:27 a.m.

power outage at work = excuse to call the post office to hunt up a lost birthday package, license to look over best passages of a long-time favorite novel (::), and clearance to write briefly in the slim little notebook journal secreted away in my planner. I have always loved so much the power outages. everything slows so pleasingly.

lately I've been doing this at work: hiding my journal beneath other books and jotting down notes & complaints while pretending to read important documents on timber strikes and socialist lawyers and legal defense. the act bears satisfying semblance to that schoolday feeling of getting away with offtask novel reading and letter writing while in class.

had the electricity remained out much longer I could perhaps have gone home. I could have slowly biked home in the thick sluggish air. the hot and saturated afternoon air.

no luck & it's just as well.


(::) the body in four parts, by janet kauffman (st. paul, mn: greywolf press, 1993). I highly recommend it.

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