2003-10-23 :: 10:27 a.m.
a book you read in reverse

I need to remind myself: whenever I am inclined to smoke cigarettes early in the morning, because I'm grumpy and I want to feel debauch, I should remember that it isn't worth it. the satisfaction of feeling gritty and scowling and tough while I walk to get my coffee does not weigh out against the scratchy sick sensation that lingers all day.


I've been listening to the new shins album sort of obsessively. c got a promo copy a couple weeks back and I hoarked it and set it on permanent repeat. my giddiness about it peaked already but I haven't taken it out of the stereo. the lines of one song especially keep getting lodged in my head: "since then it's been a book you read in reverse / so you understand less as the pages turn"

they're from albuquerque, I know, but I picture them being from white sands. with music like a soft-sand desert evening with the sun going down and all around a moony whiteness.

you know. to a degree.

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