2003-11-09 :: 10:22 a.m.
will the rain to rearrange


the writing of a "novel," breakage of the dsl router at home, and the need to actually feign real progress at work have all led to the abysmal lack of entries here. a sort of abrupt hiatus just when some kind of momentum had begun. well: what can you do, really. it's been a week or so of avoidance in general. hiding out at my boyfriend's house, typing clitter-clattery piecemeal prose, dodging all the things I ought to be attending to. (like rent and returning phone calls and arranging rehearsal times and buying a plane ticket home for christmas.) and, really, having a very nice time while I'm at it. my sole complaint right now is with the rain. when one only has a bike - a skinny-tired single-gear speedster bike - to get around on, the rain really does provide a complication. stop please, rain, or rain only at night. or during the day when I can look out the smudgy ground-floor window of my office at work and watch the rain flood nicely down the sloping driveway. while I sit inside warmly with tea and old letters, thank you.

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