2004-09-21 :: 11:58 a.m.
come on. really.

is it normal that sometimes i just totally fucking hate my boyfriend? i don't know, maybe something's messed around in my head, but i think it's sort of normal. i asked him a while ago, do you ever find me to be the most irritating person in the world to you? and he said, oh no, not at all. and i thought, jesus, what's wrong with you? nobody could ever irritate me the way you can. i thought that was just how it goes. i'm inclined to think there's something wrong with him, that he doesn't find me intensely annoying, at least every so often. it's creepy that i can't get under his skin in a very serious way. i don't think it's normal. maybe he's some kind of robot. some kind of unirritatable rational robot.

fucking mister nice, mister levelheaded all the time, it gets to be goddamned annoying.

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