2003-11-13 :: 12:04 p.m.
placing piles into drawers and calling it "filing"

I have a file in a drawer in my office at work called "shit I want nothing to do with." truth be told, each one of my files could bear that identifier on the tab. because nearly all of it falls into that category now.

I have held this job for more than three years, the longest time I've worked at a single place. I had impulses to quit my first week. I scan the job listings regularly and formulate a departure. I've pulled impetuous walk-outs several times, where I leave for two weeks on ten minutes' notice and hope that I'll be fired for it. but each time I'm welcomed back as if nothing was ever amiss. and actually one of those ploys led to a kind of promotion. not a good lesson to learn really, that I can pull rash stunts and be rewarded for them.

there are aspects of this work that I really like: anarchism, radical history, documentary editing, perusing old letters, writing footnotes, making an unknown past accessible.

and there are aspects that I absolutely despise: maintaining mailing lists, processing donations, making budgets, doing anything relating to financial whatnot, dealing with university bureaucracy, having to sit at a desk all day long.

but when the job market is poor, and I hate more than anything searching for jobs, and I know all the rules here already, leaving becomes sort of difficult. where to draw the line though, when enough half-heartedness is really enough. I haven't quite decided yet.

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