2003-11-17 :: 3:49 p.m.
fold em hold em

very soon I will find out whether I got the dance grant I applied for last month. if I didn't, I'm afraid I may have to turn the performance into a partial stripshow or something in order to finance the rather high production costs. I suppose too that I could just apply for more grants. I have a really strong aversion to applications of all sorts, all that press-release self-promotion and the making of a convincing argument. the whole process is hateful and exhausting for me. I'd almost rather finance the show with nudie dances and let the self-selling be that much more plain. but, really: euch, not really.


an article of mine will run in the next issue of my friends' magazine. the first published writing of mine in about four years, and the only piece in which I've ever used the word "narwhal." the article is the fruits of my bold foray into music journalism, which taught me a few good lessons. (such as: listen to seasoned music writers when they advise you on professional distance, because they do indeed know what they're talking about. )

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