2003-11-17 :: 1:51 p.m.
hanging out the side


I am so tired of riding my bike everywhere.

soooo tired of it.

yes I suppose I could get my own car, but I am broke and lazy, and getting driven around is part of what a boyfriend is for. that's really a hideous thing to say but I'm not exactly joking. and the boyfriend's got no ride these days. (courtesy of fidel lopez-lopez, the perpetrator of rear-end collision number one.) I find myself feeling very no-scrubs kind of complainy about the lack of ride, getting indignant and pouty. eech. I must make an effort to tone that down, because it is unbecoming and obnoxious, and I don't want to be that kind of girl.

I just want to be the kind of girl who doesn't have to ride her bike so much anymore.

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