2004-01-07 :: 10:33 a.m.
dogs will always just be dogs, and I will likely never like them.

is it at all possible that I could live:

1)with my sister

2)and three dogs

3)in a house in the hood in west oakland?

good question.

I'm just not sure. and I'm not sure I need to move. I mean yes, my housemate's a dick & thinks it's fine to eat my food and let his drunk friend sleep in my bed while I'm away for the night (and then thinks it's fine to lie to me about it), but after I yelled at him recently I think we came to an understanding, and I don't really think now that I need to move because of him. my place now is nice and safe and cheap, and I have my own bathroom, which is hard to beat, and the ratio of heating vent to room size makes mine the toastiest room of all, which I like, and hmm. there's a decent amount of good and a smaller amount of bad.

I asked C for advice on whether to move to this new place (with three women I like & would love to live with... but for the neighborhood and the pets...) and he said "I have one number and one word for you: three. dogs. you will go crazy." yes: I am not so fond of dogs. I'd rather live with several crying infants than with dogs. at least infants might grow up to make something of themselves. dogs will always just be dogs: smelly, yapping, hair-shedding vehicles of annoyance.

so I don't know what to do. it seems pretty clear: stay where I am. but now I have to tell these ladies, who will be put out and disappointed, that I won't be moving with them. which will be less than fun. and I'm not sure that decision is really what I want.

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