2004-01-13 :: 12:00 p.m.
all those tiny dots of glue

I'm not the type of girl to think I'm pregnant (I do think there is a type), but early-morning nausea portends nothing good.

but it might just be the dreams that I've been having. such as the dreams this morning about the board game we were playing late last night. Settlers of Catan. it's like a German Oregon Trail meets dungeons&dragons. in my sleep I was trading wheat cards for sheep and brick cards so that I could build settlements. it's no wonder I woke feeling nauseated. truly it's a fun game, but not quite what I need to dream about.

C told me his dreams while still half-asleep this morning, something about video footage of a blazing forest fire and visiting someone's beautiful basement. good dreams are a rarity for him and his voice was high-pitched and hopeful as he narrated the stories from beneath the downy quilts this morning.

we marked one year two days ago, and I'm making him gifts to commemorate. for one, a diorama in an old metal darkroom lamp. it will include a one-inch disco ball. I'm gluing on the tiny mirrors myself.

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