2004-01-19 :: 11:52 a.m.
fridays are the new sunday, and mondays saturday then too, but less open-ended.

among the benefits of working for a public university is the profusion of observed federal holidays and resulting days off. I don't know if that compensates wholly for the paltry wages, but it helps.

when I think about it, the time when my interest in my job really started failing was a year and a half ago when my labor union went on strike. by virtue of a slightly miscast job title, I am a member of the clerical workers union. labor conscious as my office is, I was encouraged to take leave during the week-long strike. at the start I was there on the picket line with all the secretaries, with whom I only somewhat felt like I belonged. after a couple of days I started cutting out to go home and get the lunch special at the chinese place by my apartment and catch the two o'clock airing of kids in the hall. I sewed myself a new swimsuit instead of marching to the university president's office. I felt reminded of how all the groups and titles I end up in feel like an ill fit. while it's not always bad to feel that way, the distance between contented rogue and weary pariah is often not that far.


because I was in a bad mood and wanted to prove something, I biked ten miles through the dark under the train tracks last night. all the way home from almost richmond. this was neither very safe nor very wise, but as a rule I am not safe or wise when I am angry.

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