2004-06-25 :: 1:44 p.m.
is it me in the other I missed

the only boy in our house of five is moving out next week, going to carolina with his girl indefinitely. in his place another boy is moving in (good to have a boy in this neighborhood; additionally, his pitbull - entirely unmenacing, unfortunately, but looks go far), a boy who is close friends with my brother. which means he's solid, solid as can be. his name even says it: armstead. he and my brother have built houses together. timberframing in northern wisconsin, all the details in japanese woodworking. armstead is here to study sustainable architecture in grad school, and it feels like he's brought some of my brother along. they are of the same school of woodsy fashion, simple line-drawn tattoos peeking out the edges of their shirts. both speak thoughtfully, squinting for a moment before saying what they mean, and they're full of smartassed jokes, dispensed when you aren't expecting. you feel like you can trust them completely. they have the same strong and weathered hands.

it makes me miss my brother (in wisconsin, building his own house) both less and more.

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